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The OMMA Podcast

A new project to involve all OMMA community. PodcastIcon

That's right. Something I would like to give back to the community for my recent and untold absence until now. Some or most of you may have read about why I was gone. With that out of the way, I would like to finally give back the best way I know how. By doing more than just writing an article. I would like to sit down with everyone that I can and make a quality podcast/radio show.

I don't have much equipment now, so the best thing I could tell you is to get a microphone and skype if you are interested in participating. I would be willing to do a lot of different things. Anywhere from interviewing fighters, commentating fights, and bringing guests onto the show to talk about the community and what is going on in the real world of MMA.

I have my own podcast now which I am doing with a friend of mine, and all we talk about is MMA. But I figured it would be a good idea, and fun for everyone who gets involved, to have a podcast for this community. It's a lot of fun doing it, and you get to meet interesting people, and find out what is really going on in the brain behind the controller. So, for those of you that are interested, either post here or pm me.

For the first show I would like to get an introductory episode going. If any of the journalists are interested, I would like to have you come on the show and let me know what's going on in the community as far as fighters, trash talking and rivalries, title fights, etc... So, again, if you are interested, please, please, please contact me.



This will be recorded, yes? If you record your commentary, you could send it to Fisk or something and he could play it over the recording of the fight, and that way we have hired commentators. Unfortunately, my microphone is broken, but I could always get a new one.



Yes, nothing will be live, for the time being. Everything will have to be recorded.



Sounds awesome. The OMMA Live show is currently in the re-write webcam time to prerecord. Just got to find a place to record.



That would be very good. However, I don't think you should feel as though we think you are a bad person. I wouldn't have blamed you to have walked away from this, you got a lot of important stuff on your plate right now. On another note, this is a very good idea with audio interviews, etc. You should probably get russianboy to commentate if he has a mic, since he has no fighter on the 360, and we'd have no trouble with his fighter having the same voice as the commentator.



Yo Bronzy, you need an xbox mic as well.

ele25 has being doing some of this as well. I am interested but time is tough and I have a hard time keeping up with the fighters, fights and doing articles. now that there are a few more journlist, I maybe able to keep up.

I was hoping to showcase the belt holders,etc but that has fallen far behind as week fights come up very quick. Sorry guys.. fell bad about not getting some cards written up... I blame it on Mad Dog. he has the iOMMA journalist in boot camp too.

Workin on computers all day, sometimes I don't want to bother being on it after hours.


Sounds Great!!!



I am willing to do a podcast as soon as today.



also what Bronzy said..

Man, you don't need to feel bad, you got real shiat going on there. We are just happy you are well and have come back unlike others that just drop off the face of the earth with not even a good bye. .. *sniff*.. it makes me feel so sad. Crying or Very sad

With that said, we need to do a summary of current and past belt holders so we have that tracked.

like Xphyer has a belt.. I am a terrible camp mate for not even knowing that.


Sounds awesome. Let me know if you need anything to make this easier or better for the site. Oh and elcome back. Wink



Thanks, Fisk.



anything you need man, don't hesitate to ask.



Thanks Rainboi, I sent you a pm.


If you need any info about the fighters or anything i'd be glad to help and I have skype too and the microphone, but I won't always be able to get on it since it's on my sister's laptop



I noticed you are having problems with Ustream.

What you need is some kinda software that can stream what is on your desktop live to Ustream. Your problem is the webcam is the only video feed in so it will only pick up you and your voice. With software that can stream your desktop, all you would have to do is connect to skype and put a video of you on your webcam on the desktop and accept your audio and you are done. This is what spoony does in his videos

Go to 53:00 in the video, he's talking to his friends on skype while playing the game and it's recording his voice. If you can find out what he's using (I don't know, sorry), that can be a very good start to figuring out your technical difficulties.

If you aren't hardcore about it being live, I do have some ideas.

I don't do live shows so I know nothing about that stuff but if I were to set up a podcast roundtable discussion. I would use skype and set my computer to record "what I hear" and my microphone at the same time. You might need to use some third party sound recorder (I have no idea of any free ones, I use the one that came with my movie software).

Once you have the show recorded, you can make it into an MP3 and upload it to Itunes.

If you want video with your podcast that is a little more tricky. I don't use skype that much but does it have a webcam roundtable chat feature? If it does then all you would need is Fraps (, cost around $30). There is a free trail of fraps but it only allows 30 second recordings and it has a watermark on the video.
With Fraps you can record everything you see on your monitor. You will have to run the fraps footage through movie editing software to convert it into a mp4 or mpeg(wouldn't hurt to edit out the dead space too). You might want to record at half resolution too since the fraps avi files are huge on resolutions above 1280x1024.

You can then upload to which doesn't have a 10 minute time limit like youtube.

If you still have your xbox360 and you are able to get footage from it, then you can use that to get audio using party chat. This might be the simplest way of doing things if you have the equipment. You don't even have to get the video, if you have a sound card that allows stereo in plugs then you can just plug the 360's audio jacks into it and record from there. Then convert the recording to mp3 and upload it.

Granted those last 3 options aren't "live" but I can only give advice on stuff I know about. I'd love to be on your podcast once you get the technical difficulties worked out and I feel better. Right now though I caught a cold and I have a soar throat so thinking and talking is a little difficult for me now.

One last bit of advice, don't get discouraged with this, once you overcome these problems, it'll be much easier and the show can be a fire and forget show with the only thing you have to worry about is what to say in it. I wish I could help you more with stuff but I have my own hurdles to deal with since I'm a noob who only started this year, I have a lot to learn myself when it comes to video/audio and software/hardware.



Well, I tell you what man, you were a big help with the advice you've given me. Me and my friend just record from skype, it's just that it isn't live. I'm gonna try and figure out how to do everything live and still record into a mp3 file sometime within the coming days. And I would like to have you on the podcast asap, so feel better. Thank you again for the advice.



ip0nder wrote: I'm gonna try and figure out how to do everything live and still record into a mp3 file sometime within the coming days.

The first one is the tough one since you are gonna need some kinda desktop streaming software and I don't know anything about that. The 2nd one is easy since I DO know about that. All you would have to do is archive your live show, then watch it again and record audio in realtime using recording software. If you use window's built in recording software it will most likely save the audio as a .wav file which is huge and messy but a quick google search for .wav to .mp3 converters should be pretty easy and I know there's some free ones out there. After it's converted to mp3, delete the .wav version to save harddrive space and upload the mp3 version.

Also the only reason I'm up this late is cause I slept all day due to my cold and I don't have work today but it would be wise to do your broadcasts between 3pm-8pm and remember when you do the broadcast that people from other timezones might be watching too so a 5pm EST time might be too early since that would be 2pm in California.

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