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1DFC "Dog Fighting Championship" Empty DFC "Dog Fighting Championship" 7/28/2009, 11:11 am

Keith Thompson

Keith Thompson
This is an MMA forum but WTF. Does anyone think that Michael Vick deserves to be back in the NFL. Everyone deserves a second chance, but in the words of Ron White,"You can't fix stupid." The man was a millionaire, why in the hell did he have to make side money fighting dogs. I think because of shear igronace his new job should require him to shovel dog shit all day at the pound. Then after 30 days he should be put down!

Ricky Pena

Ricky Pena
I don't agree with the things that Vick did, but i think any more punishment and we've gone overboard if we haven't already. He has done his time for the crimes that he committed. They need to give him the opportunity to play again in the NFL. Right now, he has that ability and it is up to a team to take the chance on him. I know that if it were my team, i would not even consider taking on him and his baggage. He might as well start looking to play in the UFL (united football league) this year and maybe build up some value. Vick has done his time, leave the man alone.

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