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I don't currently have UFC3 but I am warming up to the demo so I will probably get it at some point.

the proc control for transistions though, not a fan or I don't really undertand how to deny yet as there is no indication until they have already kicked you off or reveresed you.

This is besides the point.

Droges camp is anixous to report on upcoming ufc3 fights. The fights will be fresh and visious.
please let me know when the first one is and send me a message of when they are uploaded.
I will watch asap and write our first UFC3 fight review. my regularity may not be 100% for other reviewes so I apologize upfront.

other news: Droges stable of fighers are still fighting with managment or management is fight with them but they recently obtainned their red belt so they are still slugging away.

Later peeps, anxious to see peoples thoughts on ufc.



Droges wrote:I don't really undertand how to deny yet as there is no indication until they have already kicked you off or reveresed you.
You have to be holding the R stick BEFORE they try to transition or throw up a sub. You dont get time to react after they attempt them like in EAMMA. You basically have to hold the R stick away at all times and only let go to pass or strike. You only get to block about 3 of their attempts tho so you cant hold forever.

As for reverses, you need to pause transition to avoid reverses. What I mean is instead of doing the full hook motion to pass (12 o'clock and around) you hold at 12 o'clock for a second (enuf time to see them try to reverse) THEN hook around. You cant reverse spam so once they try a reverse they cant immediately do it again. You cant pause transition with amature controls so learn to use pro.

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