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PLEASE BE ON TIME TO THE LIVE BROADCAST! It goes down this Wednesday (1/19/11) with the 1st PS3 card starting at 8pm est and the 2nd at 9pm est. The 1st XBOX card is at 10pm est and the 2nd is at 11pm est. You must be 20 minutes early. This goes for the alternates as well. The way it works is you go to Live Broadcast on your console and there should be an option for you to choose title "Fight in Broadcast". select it and you should be in the card. If you are an alternate you wont see this unless someone doesnt show and you are chosen as a replacement. The promoter will send you a message letting you know.

If for any reason you cant make it PLEASE let someone know. You can contact me here via pm or post in this thread. You can also contact the promoter himself online (GT and PSN is MMAPromoter1) as well as in the thread below but make sure you let us know ahead of time. If you are not heard from 20 minutes before the card starts you will be replaced.

The PS3 rehearsals are tonight starting at 8pm est and just like the broadcast you must be 20 minutes early. Again, if you are not online at this time you will be replaced.



can you guys give updates as well.

it was taz, halloffamer, viagra, and CBA member.

I want to follow the live broadcast but time is tight, I will watch them soon.

Anyway can peeps give me a recap of all the fights thus far?


Taz, FLAWLESSVICT0RY and BlazedGonzo won their fights. Everyone else lost. The UFF won the league a palooza.


i was on for 3 hours and 20 min before the fight i was booted from the ea servers for an hour exactly. i was sparring with taz and gonzo min before the fight card was supposed to go down. i was super bummed to be black balled like that but shit a blue bean when i was able to watch gonzo inverted kneebar that dude. IT was a conspiracy to keep my stand up from leaking out to the real world. I just dont Think the EA guys were ready to see some one come in and bang some guys head off (no homo ) lol Great fight guys cheers

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