So we can have one fighter but when that one fighters contrct is up after the 5 fights could we have another fighter sign a contract or does it have to be the same fighter?
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2 Re: A question about contracts 5/28/2010, 5:19 pm
Hey wsup man? Contracts are for 4 fights not 5 and it has to be the same fighter and no you dont need to sign "another" fighter. You use the same one. If you dont want to be in that weightclass or league anymore go register him in another weightclass or league.
3 Re: A question about contracts 5/28/2010, 6:03 pm
yea, if i read correctly.. he's right. you can only roll with one caf in one weightclass at a time.
4 Re: A question about contracts 7/12/2010, 3:40 pm
I would like to clarify something. K!LLA B33 is right as far as resigning your fighter instead of signing a new one but the one fighter per member rule has been changed. Each member can now have up to 3 fighters per league.
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