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1UN5000 Press release 2 Empty UN5000 Press release 2 7/7/2011, 10:23 pm



UN5000 Management

Contact: Max Headroom
For Immediate Release

Along With UN5000 Fighter News

We at UN5000 are proud to announce that our CEO and founder Ultranova5000 will now be in charge of matchups and rankings for Strikers Challenge. The deal was ironed out over the weekend with UN5000 and OMMA. Fisk and Nova came to an agreement on the subject during the local OMMA convention where many OMMA fighters were on hand to sign autographs for fans and sell OMMA merchandise.

Ultranova5000 had this to say about the deal to Ariel Helwani who was reporting at the convetion
Ultranova5000 wrote: Ya, well you knows me,, I like watching the fights anyhows so it just seemed like you know.... one of them matches made in heaven sorta deals and all... now get that camera out of my face before I...*static*

UN5000 would like to apologize to Mr. Helwani and will offer to either buy a new camera for Mr. Helwani or pay to have the old camera removed from Mr. Helwani's cameraman's rectum.

Concerning the Recent rumors on the internet about UN5000 fighters leaving Fight Force, A spokesperson for UN5000 had this to say when asked that question at the con.
Max Headroom wrote: It is true, the fighters currently in Fight Force will honor their current contracts but will be moving to Bushido and Ultimate Combat when their contracts are through.

Current fight force Champs Ray Burns and Kevin Smith went into more detail at their fan signings
Ray Burns wrote: I love Fight Force, I will always love Fight Force but as a fighter I need to think about my career and my future in the sport. This is why I will be moving to Bushido when my contract is expired with FF. I might be leaving but I'll still be watching FF in Japan

Kevin Smith wrote: Unlike Ray here, I don't think I'll blend in Japan very well but Ultimate Combat seems like a great place for me and my friend Jay to head over.

Bert Castro has announced his retirement from MMA on his website.
Bert Castro wrote: I went into MMA cause my good friend Ray went into it but originally I was a Muay Thai Champion. It's clear after my recent loses that MMA isn't for me. Instead I will focus on my striking career and will make the move to Strikers Challenge soon

Charlie Sheen tweeted after his most recent loss
Charlie Sheen wrote: I'm tired of this *expletive* ground game. I just want to bust some heads, especially with Comedy Central roasting me pretty soon. I need to get the frustration out and I like to do that by hitting things, not hugging guys on the mat. When this Bushido contract is up, I'm heading to Strikers Challenge

We would also like to address the rumors on TMZ that Mr. Sheen isn't making this move to Strikers Challenge because of the recent lawsuits he's had in Japan and the possible denial of travel visas in the future, that is a entirely separate issue.


If you would like more information or want to schedule an interview with any fighters contracted under UN5000. Please Contact Ultranova5000's assistant Max Headroom at 555-5000.

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