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I was so exited to get to the horizen arena for the BUSHIDO 9 event, and then I got there.....I was put in my place quick by security officials who were quick to explain that my pass only got me into the press box and not into the locker rooms or out in the arena.....I was hoping to get some inside stuff , but can't win em all. I was starting to give up hope and then on my way to grab a hotdog ($7.00 HOTDOG!!)I was lucky enought to see Behind a Curtain in a hallway that leads to the walkway(say that ten times fast) I came across someone I didn't expect to see.... BUSHIDO Lightweight Championship contender Cesar "Cyborg" Azevedo. Once again I am able to sneak a few questions in with the powerhouse of the Lightweight division.

ME:First off, Tough loss you're coming off of in the Title bout with murphy, What is the word on the next step for you as a fighter?
CYBORG:-ehhhh, I have a whole career in front of me im gonna win a few fights and get back into contention.

ME:Did you happen to catch the Fight Force Event last night? any thoughts on the fights?
CYBORG:- Just because they arent in Bushido doesnt mean those boys cant put on a solid fight card.

ME:Are there any guys here at Bushido 8 that you are particularly watching? from your camp or a possible opponent?
CYBORG:- I am watching Joshua Montgumry or however you spell his name he is one of the bigger threats in the WW division.

ME:how do you see the matchups here playing out? any predictions?
CYBORG- Im really 50/50 I think everyones pretty even I dont see many advantages here.

ME:We heard that you actually called out the yet to debut Yoshihiro Sato? what was the reasoning behind that?
CYBORG- If he wants me, I'll give him more Cesar than he can handle. I dont like his attitude and I want to beat him up.

ME:anything to say to your fans?
CYBORG- Im getting money for beating people up, god this job is amazing.

Tonight Azevedo looked like a man who was more than ready for a rematch with the man that wears the belt that the "Cyborg" feels is his.But he seems to not be looking past other top contenders in the division, one of the true signs of a great competitor.

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