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Our First order of the night is a interveiw with James "The Phenom" Lillard, done by Erin Andrews,Coming off his stunning come from behind win Vs Dan Murphy at Fight Force 2.
Erin-First off Congrats on the Victory in your first pro fight.
James-Thank you I worked very hard for that Moment.
EA-What was you expecting going into the fight?
JL-I was Expecting a war knowing that Murphywas better on his feet than me,but I expected to be more effective on my Feet but I just wasn't on his level kickboxing wise.
EA-You Tried alot of Takedowns in this fight I think the Stats said 7 of 23,why so many?
JL-They were pretty effective in the first think it was 5 of 6 in attempts in the first,but he got great advice after the first round and stopped them cold in the 2nd.The Reason I tried so many was I was getting my face re-Arranged when I was standing up so I was trying anything to get off my feet and get it to the grown where it seemed more even or even in my favor.
EA-How many times did he hurt you?
JL-(Laughing)No clue it was alot though,Sometimes I thuaght there was 5 of him in the cage with me,others I was wondering how the hell I ended up in a ballroom getting my buutt kicked.
EA-How rewarding was it when you locked in the triangle?
JL-Rewarding?I was just glad to be in a postion he wasn't Puanching or Kicking my face in.But a fan did send me a funny tweet that somehow got a Smile after the fight it was this picture.
EA-Speaking of your face that eye looks bad.What the doctors say.
JL-Wasn't good news turns out that I broke my orbital bone,Also had to get eighteen stitches to fix that cut under my eye.
EA-So will you be able to fight on Fight Force 3?
JL-Doctors say the won't know for sure to late Tuesday,but doesn't look good plus its Thanksgiving weekend so not sure if I can make it yet.
EA-Anything else before we go?
JL-I would like to thank Fightforce for letting me fight and my Sonser Onlinemma.