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Gabriel Xavier

Gabriel Xavier

nice Very Happy

Houston Gator

Houston Gator
awsome find

Gabriel Xavier

Gabriel Xavier

I don't really like the controls. It's the total opposite of THQ's, and I prefer THQ's controls a lot more.


i'm not getting this game at all. i can't even say i'd buy it just because i'm a mma fan. the control system while fresh, is just weak. the punching between the two models looked absolutely terrible, and the ways you sub people is just wayy too aracadish for me to even stomach. nothing about this game aside from the cool venues even sparks the slightest interest from me.

Gabriel Xavier

Gabriel Xavier

Same here. I was thinking of gettin it, but after seeing the controls, I don't want to anymore.


The controls look completely sucky. they just nicked Fight nights and didnt do it by themselves. the punches in the mount looked terrible. transitioning is stupid like its A to advance and all you do to block it is tap B at the right time. wtf is that for the simplest game ever?

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