I'm Dj Jones, rather known as OMMA's head journalist. I'm looking not start a camp, I'm not looking to train fighters, I'm looking for fighters who want guidance, gameplan development, fight tactics, and simply a coach. I require anyone who wants my coaching to have twitch so I can coach through chat. No I'm not looking for a Dmart15, or a Kenetic NRG for my guidance, but I'm looking for young and uprising fighters who are ready to be taken to a higher level. No I may not be the best UFC2 player, but I'm a UFC guru and fanatic, I watch a lot of twitch and study the game a lot, and I can really develop great game plans, I have access to a lot of film, and I know how to create scouting reports and game plan. If your ready, join the Jones Jet. Reply here, or message me at Jonesz xx Bball . Thanks guys!
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2 Re: Joneses Jet Coaching 5/17/2016, 12:11 am
Cesar Cyborg
Cesar Azevedo is looking to restart his stalling career.
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