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 » FORUMS » ONLINEMMA » FF6 call out

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1FF6 call out Empty FF6 call out 12/9/2010, 8:28 am

Mr LeEo

Mr LeEo
any of these guys who have not faught yet.I get my xbox back this weekend.....

Omar Sensenbrenner,
Allen Johnson,
Bryon Fradet,
Jon Bone,
Mu'min Akbar, or
Matt Frost,

2FF6 call out Empty Re: FF6 call out 12/9/2010, 12:54 pm



maybe some of the roster and camps should be cleaned up?
If the person hasn't signed back on since the time the created a figher, then why have them on? I am talking like atleast a month.

-however it doesn't hurt to have bigger roster even if most are inactive

but the camp yuck fu, I am sure those peeps wont be back.

3FF6 call out Empty Re: FF6 call out 12/10/2010, 12:16 am


I'm in the proccess of contacting each member that has registered but havent been active. Alot of them signed up before the game came out and most likely forgot. After multiple attempts to reach them have failed I will delete them from the members list. I think it would benefit the league more if you call out new ppl and get them to sign up as most of the inactive ppl probably wont be coming back.

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